another band picts found on my compie ^^ .. :D i thought i have heard their song before.. but i forgot.. have to check it on my collection list :D but i'm too lazy now.. hope i can found their song sometime xD
Larme d'ange... Anyone know about this bands and their musics?? i never heard their song, but somehow i have this picture on my computer.. hahahha.. so, anyone know?? :D
Some of D with their friends picts.. I love D. they're dork!! xDDDD
Hidezou (Gt, with the red guitar) in this pict looks fat xD and Asagi's hair (Vo, down) looks so soft >_<>
Who are the two persons beside Hidezou (Gt) ?? Tsunehito (ba) and Hidezou (second guitarist)! xDDD Tsunehito and Hidezou again.. Tsunehito looks so beautiful xD i love his hair >_< Tsunehito (ba) and Hazuki (vo) from Lynch.. i heard they're best friend ^^ Tsunehito (ba) and Hazuki (vo) from Lynch
Lynch's Tour on 2009 ^^ with their new album "SHADOWS".. it's been started since July 2009 and ended this month on 6th.. and about their new video, I like their SHADOWS PV, but Yusuke's hair is weird xD sorry..