Thursday, June 4, 2009


Duel Jewel
(From Virtual Japan)

Duel Jewel is a visual kei band formed in 1997 by founders Shun and Baru (Val). Hayato joined as vocalist in 1997, but left in 1998, returning a year later. Natsuki joined in 2002, just before the band's first overseas appearance at Project A-Kon in Dallas, Texas. Duel Jewel are more moderate in their appearance than many visual kei groups and tend to play in more of a hard rock style.

In 1998, Duel Jewel gave away a demo called Kaze-The Winding Garden. They have made a habit of giving away demos, or selling limited editions of items to fans. Duel Jewel has also appeared on a number of visual kei compilations, including Hysteric Media Zone and Spleen & Ideal.

In 1999, Ka-non joined on bass and shortly aftwerward Hayato returned on vocals. In December that year, the group gave away the demo Tsuki to Tawamure. In 2000 Yuya joined on second guitar, after playing with the group as a support member. That same year, the band performed their first headlining show. After the release of Lapidary in 2001, Ka-non left the group and Natsuki joined. In 2002, the band made their first international performance at the anime event A-kon in Dallas, Texas. Since then they have appeared at a number of American anime festivals. In 2003 and 2004, Duel Jewel returned to the US six times.

Their popularity also continuted to rise in Japan and the band began to recive increased media coverage. They comtiue to tour and release new records.

Vocals: HAYATO
Guitar: SHUN
Guitar: YUYA
Drums: VAL

Vermilion (2003)
The Birth (2005)
Azure (2006)
Aishyuu Melancholia (2006)
Life On (2006)

Lapidary (2001)
Noah (2002)
Visions (2006)

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